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Note: Although I have visited and personally evaluated all of the sites listed below, I don't re-visit each of them regularly, and I'm not always notified when sites are no longer active.  I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the usefulness of any of the sites listed, and if you should encounter an inactive site, please let me know.  I also welcome your suggestions for additions to these listings. Please send your comments and suggestions to me at TousleyM@aol.com.  Thank you!  [Links on this page last updated January 12, 2025.]

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(See also this site's COMFORT FOR GRIEVING ANIMAL LOVERS page)
55 Wonderful Pet Memorial Ideas
Acknowledgements: Sympathy Gifts for the Grieving Heart
A Four-Legged Forecast
A Pet's Life: Personalized Memories
Alex in Welderland's Custom Pet Urns and Memorials

Alicia Tapp Designs: Images on Tiles
All Pets Great and Small Pet Cremation Service
Amos Family Pet Companion Crematory
Angel Ashes Pet Memorial Urns
Angel Dust Memorials
Animals and the Afterlife
Artisurn: Handcrafted Cremation Urns, Jewelry and Keepsakes
Bringing Marley Home (Article by John Grogan)
Cardthartic: Pet Loss Condolence Cards
Carved Stone Memorial Markers: Let's Rock Carved Stone
Ceramic Pet Cremation Urns & Burial Boxes
Classic Pet Portraits by Leah Knecht
Clay Paws® The Original Paw Print Kit
The Comfort Company: Condolence Gifts
Corian Pet Headstones, Urns & Plaques with Photos
Cremation Ash Jewelry
Cremation Settling Service: ParklandPeace.com
Cremation Urns by Richard Lamb New Traditions
Cremation Urns for Pets, by Lucy Fagella, Lucia Pottery
Cremation Urns for Pets, by Une Belle Vie Memorial Urns
Critters: Online Pet Memorials
Custom Made Memory Dogs by Tammy Hendricks
Custom Pet Memorials
Custom Pet Portraits in Pencil or Pastel by Sandra Palme
Diamonds from Ashes (or Fur!): Eterneva
Do Pets Go to the Afterlife? (Video)
Engraved Reflections Pet Memorials
Entrusted Pet Cremation Service (AZ)
Explaining the Funeral or Memorial Service to Your Children
Family Writes Bucket List for Dog (Article by Ian Hamilton)
Family Pet: Pet Urns and Caskets
Fluke's Aftercare
Four Paws in Heaven Pet Memorials
14-K9 Inc Solid Gold Dog Jewelry Memorials
Furry Angel Pet Memorial Candles
Garden of Life's Emotions by Francine Pucillo
Glass Pet Memorials by Psyche Cremation Jewelry
Goodbye My Friend, Wolfie (Memorial Tribute)
Goodbye, Oscar (Memorial Tribute)
Grateful Dog Design
Healing Baskets and Gifts
Healing Hearts Journey
Heart in Diamond Cremation Diamonds
Heartspeak Message Cards
Heart to Heart Sympathy Gifts, Pet Loss
Hoofprints on My Heart: Memorial Tributes to Equine Companions
Immortal Pets: Online Pet Memorials
Pets at Peace by Harris Funeral Home
Just Over the Rainbow Bridge
Keepsake Urns
Keepsakes, Etc. - Dog Memorial Sympathy Gifts, Throws, Tapestries
Legend Urn: Cremation Pet Urns and Memorial Jewelry
LifeGem: Created Memorial Diamonds
Light A Candle Online - A Guided Interactive Ritual
Love Ashes: Cremation Jewelry and Memorials
Mainely Urns and Memorials
Memento Mori Mausoleums
Memorial Glass Personalized Ornaments
Memorial Jewelry
Memorials of Distinction: Quality Headstones, Memorials & Gravestones
Memory Pendants: Unique Handmade Cremation Jewelry, Keepsakes, Memorials
Memorial Glass Garden Cremation Urns and Jewelry
Memorial Plaques and Markers
Memorializing a Cherished Pet (Article by Marty Tousley)
Memorializing Pets We Have Lost (Article by Marty Tousley)
Millie's Ministries
Monday Candle Ceremony
My Best Friend Rhino Died Today (Memorial Tribute)
Online Pet Memorials: ILovedMyPet.com
PaintedMemory7 - Personalized Pet Paintings
Parting Stone: A Clean Alternative to Ashes
Pastel Pet Portraits by Lorraine Gray
Path to Forever
Paw-Shaped Necklaces, Jewelry and Gifts: Puppy Paws
Paws to Heaven Memorial Items
Paws, Whiskers & Wags - Your Pet Crematory
Peaceful Pets Aquamation: The Green and Gentle Alternative to Cremation
Perfect Memorials: Pet Memorials, Cremation Urns, Caskets
Pet Angel Memorial Centers
Pet Angel Memorial Center Video
Pet Cemeteries, International Association (IAPC)
Pet Cremation Urns by Urn Garden
Pet Loss Professionals Alliance
Pet Mementos by Carol
Pet Memorial Center of Greater Victoria (Canada)
Pet Memorial Jewelry
Pet Memorials by Everlife Memorials
Pet Portrait Paintings by Melissa Smith
Pet Portraits by Dale Lewis
Pet Portraits by Irisha, UK
Pet Portraits by Lucy Tidbry
Pet Portraits by Melaine Phillips
Pet Portraits by Pauline Gledhill
Pet Portraits by Pan Tan
Pet Portraits by Rosie Coyne
Pet Portraits by Stan Hurr
Pet Portraits by Steph Dix
Pet Portraits by Suzy's Fine Art
Pet Portraits by The Renaissance Pet
Pet Portraits in Pastel by Sally Logue, UK
Pet Portraits on Canvas by Connie Bowen
Pet Prayers & Blessings: Ceremonies & Celebrations to Share With the Animals You Love
Photo Gems Lockets and Locket Alternatives
Portrait Paintings from Photos by Joseph
Puppy Paws: Paw-Shaped Necklaces, Jewelry and Gifts
Rainbows And Bridges: An Animal Companion Memorial Kit
Remember Me: Pet Memorial Gifts
RemembeRing™ Pet Memorial
Sacred Journey Vessels ~ Hand Painted Unique Cremation Urns
Sacred Symbols: Inspirational Jewelry
Saying Goodbye: Memorializing Your Canine Companion
Saying Goodbye to Beringer
Stardust Memorials: Distinctive Urns, Jewelry, Keepsakes
Sympathy Solutions
T&S Pet Memorials: Pet Funeral Supplies
The Living Urn: Biodegradable Urn & Planting System
Thoughtful Pet Loss Sympathy Gifts
Trees for a Change: Plant a Tree to Honor the Memory of a Furry Friend
Tucker the Dog (Memorial Tribute)
Two Hearts Pet Loss Center
Urns and Cremation Jewelry by Memorials.com
Urns On Sale: Pet Cremation Urns
Valley Monuments: Replicated Rock and Boulder Memorials
Virtual Pet Cemetery
Welcome to the Doghouse: Custom Dog Portraits, Paintings, Art, Prints
Whisper In The Heart
Whispering Pines Pet Cemetery
Will My Pet Go to Heaven? (Prayer and Pamphlet)

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