This web site is dedicated to the Memory of my
Dear Parents ~
To my mother, whose selflessness taught me the essence of Nursing
and the true nature of Motherhood,
And to my father, who slew the Imaginary Dragons under my bed
when I was little, and taught me to handle the Real Ones when I got
I am grateful to both of them for allowing me
the joy of loving ~ and the sorrow of losing ~
all God's creatures, great and small. |
If you are anticipating or coping with a significant loss in your life
and wish to better understand the grief that accompanies such loss, this site has been created to offer you the information, comfort and support that you need.
As you proceed along your grief journey, what you'll find on these pages is meant to acknowledge and honor you as a person in mourning,
to help you make some sense out of what you may be feeling, to prepare you for what to expect in grief, and to help you find meaning, growth, and healing along the way.
As both a bereaved parent and child myself, I have found my own way through grief many times.
As one who's always wanted and needed animals in my life, over the years
I've loved, lost and mourned a number of cherished companion animals as well.
In my 17 years as a hospice bereavement counselor, I helped individuals and families
understand and cope with their grief in the first year following the death of their loved ones.
As a volunteer in my community, I also help adults and children who
are mourning the loss of their cherished animal companions. As owner
and administrator of the online
Grief Healing Discussion Groups for more than two decades, I am honored to
have offered
members and visitors a readily available and safe place to take
their grief.
My years of bereavement counseling have taught me that grief is indifferent to the species of the loved one who was lost. I believe that anyone who loves greatly in life and grieves deeply in loss is deserving of whatever respect, caring and support I can offer.
Thus I've designed this website to meet the needs of those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones, whether human or animal.
Whatever your particular circumstances may be,
I hope that you will feel welcome,
and that you will find some comfort here.
Wishing you peace and healing,

Monday, March 24, 2025
10:33:31 PM
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